The second in my "Whats your super power?" series is one I've dabbled in, but I haven't dedicated the time to really develop the skill set. Whenever I've attempted something really difficult, I've always had some super skilled/super-powered individual to walk me through the process. But seriously. Sewing is hard. Especially clothes, that like, fit. I always end up putting the wrong side up at some point and having to pull out all the stitches. Or the bobbin gets all tangled and you have to take it out and cut out the knots and put it all back in. That is, assuming that you got the machine threaded correctly in the first place. And then patterns are a whole 'nother headache. There are little triangles and squares and arrows that are supposed to line up with something somewhere, and also presumably make sense. Which they don't, usually. To me anyway. Maybe one day I'll get it all figured out. Some people can sew. Whats your super power? Click here to get it on a shirt. Or copy/paste this:
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